Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Max is thankful for

A Thanksgiving turkey bigger than him.

Great grandparents!

Getting to play the role of maĆ®tre d’.
May I show you to your high chair?

An amazing home-cooked meal with family and friends.

Fingers full of mommy's delicious sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and stuffing

But most of all, we're all thankful for mommy, who not only spent a week planning and preparing our Thanksgiving meal, but is just plain awesome.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All I want from for Thanksgiving is my two bottom teeth

Just in time for the biggest eating day of the year, Max has sprouted some teeth. There is one starting to show along the bottom and another is just about to break through.

As you may know, it's difficult to photograph new baby teeth in the wild. So we've chosen to depict Max's new pearly whites with two upside down white "v's," which also makes him look like one of those hip Twilight vampires.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.

Monday, November 23, 2009

9-month checkup

The doctor says Max looks fantastic, but his weight is actually down over the last 6 weeks. He's now below the charts on weight, 75th percentile in head size and in the 25th percentile in height.

The doctor is having us redouble our efforts to plump up our grape. Max will now get cream in his baby food and we have a whole list of recommended high-calorie meals for him.

Heck, we may even replace Max's formula with gravy on Thanksgiving. Kidding.

It's almost Thanksgiving, so you know what time it is?!

Time to finally get around to posting some Halloween pics.

Elisa and our wonderful neighbor Loie, worked together to fashion a basset hound costume for Max. Here he is modeling the ears along with a couture sleeper.
Halloween morning we had the neighbor babies over for boo-runch.

Max's first (and only) trick or treat stop was at Grandma Patti & Grandpa Gary's house. We surprised them with his Halloween outfit. If you didn't know... they're kinda, sorta into basset hounds.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Do not feed the birds... or the baby

"Max is like the birds at the park. Once you feed 'em, they never go away."
- Elisa Ridley