Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We had ourselves a merry little Christmas

Max's first Christmas was absolutely awesome. The proof is below in the many great pictures that Grandpa Gary took of all of us. Many thanks to him, Grandma Patti, Auntie Noelle and Uncle Jason for making it a very merry Christmas... and to Great Nana Ridley for the special holiday outfit!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Not even our Max

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Still time to ask Santa for an Aquarium membership?!

We spent Saturday morning with our friends Ben, Mindy and little Ellie at the Seattle Aquarium. Neither Elisa or I had been there since we were kids and the memories were of a cold, damp and dark building with an otter or two and some goldfish.
Ben had raved about how great the recently renovated Aquarium was for toddlers and boy, was he right! The pictures below say it all.
Something's fishy.

Ellie, Ben & the Grape

Max has no fear and plunges in hand first.

Starfish nirvana.

Putting the touch in touch tank.

Maxwell's silver hammer in an octopus' garden.
(A tip of the cap to all the Beatles fans reading the blog)

The smiles say it all. We'll be back at the Aquarium soon!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Max-imum overdrive

Here's a video highlight from this morning of Max walking with a little assistance from his push toy. He just up and did about a week or two ago for Elisa.

Could unaided steps be far behind?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

O Hai, Frosty!

Max made a new friend at our friends, the Cartys, annual holiday party up on their property on Whidbey Island. We also picked out the grape's first X-mas tree. Photos soon!

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Golden Child

Elisa's bff/Max's Auntie Noelle returned from a business trip in China with a special present for our little Buddha. He kind of looks like an extra from the Opening Ceremonies from last year's Olympics.