Saturday, March 26, 2011

We love a parade

Especially when it involves basset hounds and grandma. You gotta love the All-Fools Day parade in Woodinville.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Get Your Motors Runnin'

Max and his buddy Momo out for a ride on the town (or maybe just the playground)

Friday, March 4, 2011

The year of the corn dog

The highlight of Max's second birthday for most of the kids and adults in attendance were Mama E's homemade corn dogs™. Yes, we're getting them trademarked. They were that good.

Here's Max working on something like his fifth corn dog.

Of course, it wasn't all fried deliciousness on a stick.

There was cake in the form of little train engines and cars to celebrate the choo-choo theme.

Watch your back, Martha.

And with bellies full of corn dogs and cake, we threw in a little Black Eyed Peas to shake things up.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2-year check-up: All good on the Max front

Doc says Max looks great and is happy with his weight. Here are the numbers and percentiles:

Weight: 23 lbs 2 oz (3%) Take that 2% of 2-year old boys smaller than Max!
Length: 33-3/4" (25%)
Head Size: 49.6 cm (70%)

And best of all, Max got a shot today and didn't cry. Put him in the 100th percentile for toughness.