Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Still crazy after all three years

 And we're still crazy about you. Happy Birthday, Max.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

CornDogPalooza aka Max's 3rd birthday party

Mama E threw one heckuva bug-themed party for Max and 40 or so of his closest friends and family at our little bungalow.

3 is the magic number.
Dirty, insect-infested cupcakes.
Mom and grandma love. 
Dance party. 
Friends and bugs alike.
And as promised... corn dogs!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Preschool Par-tay

Highlights from Max's insect-themed third birthday preschool prefunk:

Grandma Sue Sue was on hand to deliver Elisa's red velvet bug cupcakes.
Both creepy-crawly & delicious.
Homemade corn dogs, a birthday tradition.
Bug deely boppers.
A mom and her bug.
Sporting the preschool birthday hat. Such an honor. 
Two happy bugs.
Our work here is done.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valen-Thai Day, from the Greenes!

Dinner in the International District with my sweeties.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

One and a Half Men

Happy first weekend of Spring Training!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Good day sunshine

Bike ride with neighbor Cosimo, who at this stage of the race is eating Max's dust.

Summer-like day calls for a summer-like haircut


And with the last few minutes of sunshine before June, let's go for a...


It's not often we see temps that start with a 6 in Seattle in February. When we do, we have to make the most of it.