Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Friday, December 25, 2015

Oh what fun it is

Unstuffing stockings 

First gift, a Star Wars Ghost Lego set,  was first on Max's list for Santa 

The Christmas morning scene 

Sam doing some work

It was a very Star Wars Lego Christmas for this Jedi master builder 

Sam getting a little help from Auntie Katherine 

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and if it does, Sam and I can haul it away 

The aftermath 

Great Grandma Betty and Sam 

Team photo

Sam schooling his Grandma Patti at Hungry Hungry Hippos 

Grandpa G sharing a very special book on astronomy with Max

19+ lbs of dinner before 

And after

Dinner time 

It was a big night for carnivores 

Merry Christmas to all!

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

Max popped out his first tooth this morning, which he's been wiggling for a few weeks now. He quickly showed it to everyone in the family, including Sam, who inspected it with and without sunglasses. 

Max also did a tour of the neighborhood so all his friends could see his missing tooth. 

Our house is going to be a busy spot tonight with both Santa and now the tooth fairy stopping by!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

All better

Sam had a minor procedure today at Swedish Hospital to remove a lesion on his leg. He was a little trooper. As soon as he came to and heard the word "popsicle" mentioned he perked right up.

He's home now resting the best a three year old can!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Star Wars

The first of two Christmases came today when we went to see Star Wars. We've been counting down the days and it was definitely worth the wait.

Max Skywalker and his [breathes heavy] father

My dad took me to see the original Star Wars in 1977. It was the first film I ever saw. Today three generations of Greene men enjoyed the latest movie.

Little Luke got some looks and love in the mall. 

And what better way to cap off the day then checking out some Star Wars merch?!

The Force was strong today.

Now, let's just hope Max doesn't spoil any of the surprises for Elisa or anyone else!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Seeing red

After a three-year-old's temper tantrum, two trips to Woodinville (Santa was out sick the first time), one really bad lunch and nearly an hour-and-a-half wait, we finally made it to see Santa.

I was determined to get our annual Santa photo in spite of it all and I'd say this year's picture was well worth the trouble!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Holidays in the woods... and rain

The boys and I headed up to Whidbey Island for a holiday party in the woods and rain. 

The ferry ride over was a highlight 

As were all the snacks Sam could reach

We tromped in the woods

We said hi to Santa

And even got to watch some chainsaw artists do their thing 
Then it was back home 

Hand and hand and happy