Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Tell Tour: ET & Merideth

We shared the big news with my former roommate and his lovely bride via a supposed invitation for our annual Kelly Greene St. Patrick's Day party.

We ordered a gin and tonic for Elisa to further the ruse. (For the record, she didn't touch it, so you can put down the phone to Child Protective Services). I ordered a Sprite under the guise of indigestion.

The fake invite read:

Kelly Greene 4
No Need for a Good Luck Charms This Year...

We'll already have one!

With the news being completely out of the blue, we had them stumped. So, we went to plan B and swapped Elisa's adult beverage for my soda. The light went off and Erin figured it out. Two beats later Merideth got it, as well. Hugs and tears followed.

Here's a terrible photo reenactment of how it went down.

St. Patrick's Day party card in August, say wha?!

OMG we get it. You're having a baby!!!!!

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