Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Little Man

That's right! Elisa's ultrasound today revealed what less than half of you expected... we're having a boy! The ultrasound technician said he looked healthy and also mentioned that he wasn't camera shy. Apparently, it was one of the quicker scans that she had done in recent memory.

It took about 15 minutes to get the big news that we were waiting for. As soon as our tech saw this angle she said right away, "There's your guy." I think we're looking up at this angle at our baby's junk. I know it's tough to see and I know you're all saying to yourselves that means he takes after his dad. Save it.

We love this pic. You can see his little head, his hand and wait... what's that? Is he flipping us the bird?!

That's our boy!


  1. Congrats Gregg & Elisa! Lets set a play date for May of '09 (we'll let you guys get settled for a couple of months) :)

    XOXO, CW

  2. So so so excited for you & Elisa! Your little man is so lucky to have such great parents :)
