Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 35: Honeydew

Not to worry, that's not Elisa's OB/Gyn.

For you children of the 70's and fans of the Muppet Show, you'll recognize Beaker's lab partner Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. And yes, he's also a stand in for this week's produce of the week, the honeydew. See how I did that?!

With now just the shortest month of the year between us and the due date, we are getting more and more excited to meet our little guy.

The grape will have to start making his way to the nearest exit soon. Unfortunately, he inherited his parents' poor sense of direction. Over the last few days he's been heading north under Elisa's rib cage and shifting upwards on her diaphragm. Elisa just gently pats her stomach and says, "Baby, you're going the wrong way."

We're all going to have to learn the right way soon.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nursery by Gregg (and Loie)! - Comments by Elisa

Beneath a bright, blue sky, cheerful jungle animals now frolic amidst the rolling, green hills of the nursery walls, awaiting their new companion.

Thanks to the Cartys for the Monkey stand-in. We'll post pictures of the occupied crib when the star of the show arrives in a month or so.

Aside from the animals that play along his walls, the baby's new world will contain Where the Wild Things Are, Hop on Pop, Good Night Moon and a comfy chair, where he will hopefully enjoy the song stylings of monkey and parrot.

The blue walrus that so artfully matches the walls was done by my Nana for my cousin Richard. This Christmas, my Aunt Debbie sent him to our little one, noting that, although Nana isn't able to do needlepoint anymore these days, she would be needlepointing and knitting up a storm for her first great-grandchild, if she could. Thank you for the lovely present Richard, Aunt Debbie, and Nana! We'll look at the walrus everyday and think of you!

Also, thanks to Loie for her ever-helpful decorating advice and help painting!

The jungle plants and animals are all decals from Blik Surface Graphics (

Bump Update

I know Elisa doesn't look happy in her latest picture, but c'mon, how happy would you be if you were going through what one friend termed "reverse Jenny Craig"?!

Week 34: Cantaloupe

Week 34 is upon us or more so upon Elisa as the Bump Update photos will show this weekend. We're now only six weeks or less (Elisa's really hoping not more) away from meeting our little cantaloupe. He's estimated to tip the scales now at 4-3/4 lbs.

Elisa's girlfriends are throwing her a shower next weekend. The details, including where, when and who'll be there are all a mystery. But knowing Auntie Noelle is behind it, it's sure to be a good time for the lady folk.

Many more updates coming this weekend including the Bump Update and nursery pics (finally!).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sign, Sign Everywhere a Sign

This sign popped up about 2 months ago across the street from us. It was right around the time Elisa popped out. Coincidence? Or does this happen on every pregnant woman's block?!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Week 33: Pineapple Express

Less than seven weeks to go and our little Greene grape is now about 4-pounds or as figures it, the size of a pineapple.

A few quick updates:

* Elisa had another check up today. Both mom and baby are doing fine. The grape even seems to have his head pointed in the right direction.

* Elisa and I had a tour of Swedish Hospital tonight. The birthing suites were surprisingly nice. Hardwood floors, giant whirlpool, nice little spot for dad to sleep and a VCR. Wait... what?

* The nursery is all but ready to go. We just need to get a futon and rocking chair. Oh, and I need to post some pictures. Soon. I promise.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Storks are Circling

It was a baby bonanza weekend for us. We bookended our shower with social engagements with our fellow bumpy friends and neighbors.

Friday night we had dinner with Nat & Lindsay, who are due in April. Elisa and Lindsay are showing off their back to back bumps above.

Then, Sunday we had a progressive dinner with the three other pregnant couples in our neighborhood. We all live within a block of one another and all the little ones are due within one month of each other. I guess there must have been something in the water last summer!

Here are the four mommies of the 31st/32nd Street Baby Club.

And here's a map, complete with clickable blue push pins, displaying where each of us lives and who is due when. The storks are going to get to know our 'hood real well!

View Larger Map

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shower Scene

Many thanks to some of our dearest friends for throwing us a great shower yesterday. My high school classmate Katherine Ellis and her husband Paul hosted the affair at their awesome house in Matthews Beach.

As new parents we appreciated all the advice everyone gave us. From Rob & Beth's bag full of baby necessities and instructions on how to use them (I still can't believe I now have Butt Paste in my house) to Kerry's tip to buy wine at Costco, we really feel lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives.

Here are a few pictures from the event:

Nice spread!

Me & my bff

The grape's haul

Ruv models their gift sans child.

Obviously, I have no idea what these are for.

We were so thankful for all the thoughtful presents...

Well, maybe except for one


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week 32: Rhymes with Sikma (sort of)

According to, the grape is the size of a large jicama this week, about 3.75-lbs. Rather than show a photo of this dull vegetable, I decided to post a pic of one of my all-time favorite Sonics Jack Sikma. Kinda sounds like jicama and heck, when else will I ever get to compare my sure-to-be stature-challenged son to an NBA star?!

As you can tell from the preceding blog entry, Elisa is starting to feel big. Real big. We were eating dinner at our coffee table earlier this week and she was having trouble eating her soup. Bless her heart. The poor thing couldn't get to the bowl because her belly was so big. She had to do a move that I think I last saw at Cirque du Soleil to finish her meal.

Nine weeks and counting...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Attack of the Sea Cows

(FYI - This is Elisa's first post, so don't blame for being insensitive!)

So, I was at one of our baby classes last Sunday. During a break, I waited in line with three other pregnant women for the bathroom. Between all the swollen bellies and slow gaits, it reminded me of a pod of hormonal, impatient manatees. When I mentioned this to Gregg, he couldn't help but giggle.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week 31: More produce

Happy New Year everyone!

As you can see from the photo above, our grape is now the size of four navel oranges, which you can also tell is much larger than a quarter.

We had a nice holiday, despite the nine days stuck at home because of the snow. The little one pulled in quite a Christmas haul. He got books, clothes, baby albums and more. Not bad for not even having a date of birth yet.

We also got some work done on the nursery (photos soon) and picked up diapers, baby wipes, pacifiers, medicine and Desitin just in case we get an early debut.

Many thanks to all our friends and family for the thoughtful gifts and the helpful hand-me-downs. We are so lucky to have you all in our life.