Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Storks are Circling

It was a baby bonanza weekend for us. We bookended our shower with social engagements with our fellow bumpy friends and neighbors.

Friday night we had dinner with Nat & Lindsay, who are due in April. Elisa and Lindsay are showing off their back to back bumps above.

Then, Sunday we had a progressive dinner with the three other pregnant couples in our neighborhood. We all live within a block of one another and all the little ones are due within one month of each other. I guess there must have been something in the water last summer!

Here are the four mommies of the 31st/32nd Street Baby Club.

And here's a map, complete with clickable blue push pins, displaying where each of us lives and who is due when. The storks are going to get to know our 'hood real well!

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1 comment:

  1. Gregg, I love the clickable map. That is great. You crack me up. - Mercy
