Monday, November 25, 2013

First year recap

One year in the books and the doctor says Sam looks great. Although, he was quick to add, "He probably won't be in the NBA." However, with that head size, maybe an MBA is possible.

Height: 29.25 in (15%)
Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz (15%)
Head: 46.9 cm (80%)

And by request, a few belated photos of Sam's belated first birthday celebration. 
We had presents... and more importantly, packaging. 
There were hats. 
An Elmo cupcake. Yeah, you are #1, buddy.
And then Elmo's face was gone.
Then pretty much all of the Elmo cupcake was gone. 
Eating! Sam's favorite part. 
And observing was Max's favorite part. 

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