All Max and Sam or Sam and Max all the time.
Thanks to all of our family and friends who have already given us so many wonderful gifts for our little man. I was just looking over his haul so far and started to pick up a theme.
See if you can detect what it is...
It took about 15 minutes to get the big news that we were waiting for. As soon as our tech saw this angle she said right away, "There's your guy." I think we're looking up at this angle at our baby's junk. I know it's tough to see and I know you're all saying to yourselves that means he takes after his dad. Save it.
We love this pic. You can see his little head, his hand and wait... what's that? Is he flipping us the bird?!
That's our boy!
And look! The babycenter email came with this adorable picture sent of a fetus doing an impression of an heirloom tomato or maybe this is an artist's rendering of David Blaine in the womb.
Good to know the little guy or gal can hear us now. We've gotta start getting it ready to take the WASL.